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Sculler about to do a sweet catch


The safety of your rowing club members, of your athletes, is of the utmost importance. They're your reason for being and for doing what you do as a club. Boathouses are one of the places a rowing athlete can get hurt the most and that's because there can be loose heavy objects and slippery surfaces everywhere - but there don't have to be. They're like construction sites, all you need is safe equipment and a mental "hard hat" on and

Some boathouses just aren't with the times. It's not all about technology though, it's about adapting a boathouse to be better at doing what it needs to! An old boathouse tends to be slippery, damage gear easily, are hard to navigate, regularly lead to stored items being lost or stolen, and are open to any number of mishaps to those that use it. To us, this is unacceptable! So we're here to help you modernize your boathouse with the new tips

Are you a rowing coach with a high workload, dealing with a range of difficult people or situations? We know rowing coaches can have it rough sometimes, so we went out and talked to a range of experienced coaches about how they deal with the roughness! You COULD navigate our blog to find and read each interview, or you could download this Ebook and have them all in one place even while offline - Join Mike Davenport, Jimmy Joy,

For this blog post we're going back to basics for boathouse safety. We love innovating boathouses for maximum safety and efficiency, but at the end of the day if you haven't covered the little things then the bigger innovations aren't as effective. So here's our short list of boathouse safety basics we feel every club should pick up and check: Keep your rowers safe We're focuses on this first because it should be a club's top priority. Not only will caring for