Are You Back with the Crew Yet?

How did you spend your Christmas break? Aside from the essential overindulgence of food and drink, did you get out on the water? Has your boat been confined to the walls of the boat shed for the past month? The answers typically fall into two categories – those in the

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Rowing Jokes – Can you relate?

We are all too familiar with the struggles and anguish associated with rowing. So for a change, we thought we would focus our attention on some of the light-hearted and humorous facets of our favorite love-to-hate past-time. Enjoy a well deserved break from whatever you may be doing and treat yourself to a

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Buyers Guide: quick release rowing rigger fittings

There is often a substantial opportunity cost associated with removing conventional wing riggers in order to maximize the storage space in the boathouse. Many athletes and crews will argue the time taken to dismantle each boat after the session comes at a high price for the amount of space gained.

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An Introduction to Rowing Boat Rigging Maintenance

It\’s your first time running a maintenance check on your shell, but you are new to rowing and don\’t quite understand what everything is, or does yet.  Let Space Saver teach you rowing boat maintenance in our simple guide. The coach isn\’t expecting you to pull the boat apart and

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On the Road Again – A guide to Driving Trailers

Are we there yet?? That is the second worst question you can ask on a trailer drive, the first is \”What state do you think the other half of the boat is in?\”.  Some reading this may have plentiful experience in driving large things long distances and on winding roads,

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Old Dog, New Tricks: The Erg \”Ab Roller\”

  [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=\”yes\” overflow=\”visible\”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=\”1_1\” background_position=\”left top\” background_color=\”\” border_size=\”\” border_color=\”\” border_style=\”solid\” spacing=\”yes\” background_image=\”\” background_repeat=\”no-repeat\” padding=\”\” margin_top=\”0px\” margin_bottom=\”0px\” class=\”\” id=\”\” animation_type=\”\” animation_speed=\”0.3\” animation_direction=\”left\” hide_on_mobile=\”no\” center_content=\”no\” min_height=\”none\”] If you ever thought an ergometer was just for rowing, think again! One rowing club (and probably countless other innovative individuals) have adapted the standard

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We\’ll Be At The Sydney International Rowing Regatta!

Our CEO, Douglas Lumsden, will be running around this year\’s Sydney International Rowing Regatta this Saturday (28th of March)! Stop and have a chat with him and in return you\’ll get a stylish Magnetic Label for your boathouse. You can also talk to him about your boathouse, and delve into his

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Rowing Hacks: Cup Holders For Boats

Have you every been frustrated by spilled coffee, losing your cellphone or having nowhere safe to put your megaphone? We did, so we went hunting for solutions. Presenting The Cup-Cup Cup Holder by Row2k! Rower Monica Hilcu touched base with Row2k and told them about how coach Joe O\’Connor at the

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Win with SSRS This May – Improve Your Boathouse!

Want to win a fantastic tool to label your boathouse with reusable material while making it look sharp? We’re giving away a roll of Magnetic Labels for Boathouses! Just enter in your details and you’re in to win. MAGNETIC STRIPS… are simple to use and don\’t leave unwanted marks can be

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