Stake Boat Volunteers

First, what is a Stake Boat? A Stake boat is where the rowing boats start the race from. A volunteer will hold onto the stern tip of the boat to keep it from drifting away.  The other job of the volunteer is to move the boat in and out according to

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Good Rowing Starts With Good Rigging

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=\”yes\” overflow=\”visible\”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=\”1_1\” background_position=\”left top\” background_color=\”\” border_size=\”\” border_color=\”\” border_style=\”solid\” spacing=\”yes\” background_image=\”\” background_repeat=\”no-repeat\” padding=\”\” margin_top=\”0px\” margin_bottom=\”0px\” class=\”\” id=\”\” animation_type=\”\” animation_speed=\”0.3\” animation_direction=\”left\” hide_on_mobile=\”no\” center_content=\”no\” min_height=\”none\”] When it comes to rowing boat performance, there are a large number of variables that determine whether you have a fast racing rowing boat. Often the physicality

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