Rowing Equipment

SSRS facilitated installation of a Connect A Dock sea plane pontoon at the Australian National Museum. The Director of Space Saver Rowing Systems is excited two pair up two of his biggest passions – Aviation & Water usage. The National Capital Authority.

Rowing Safety 101: Looking After Your Rowing Equipment

As with any sport or activity, rowing has its own set of hazards and dangers. For starters, rowing boats aren\’t exactly the lightest of vessels, and being out on the water can still pose a risk for even the most experienced rower or swimmer. Another hazard that comes with rowing

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How to Cox a Boat In & Out of the Boathouse

Walking the boat in and out of the house is something you’ll do every single day so it’s important that you understand the process, calls, and terminology that go along with it. Each team will have their own subtle variances but this should give you a general idea of what

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Trailer Driving – Are You Doing It Right?

You may have seen the following video circulating on social media lately: It highlights the massive difference weight distribution of trailers can have on stability, when the vehicle or trailer change direction suddenly. Weight loaded at the front of the trailer remains very stable while moving forward, while weight loaded

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4 Easy Ways to Extend the Life of your Rowing Shell

The life of a rowing shell is not always an easy one. With countless trips in and out of the boathouse, not to mention thousands of strokes up and down lakes and rivers, hours spent strapped to trailers under tension or even the odd knock out on or off the water,

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The Perfect Solution For Storing Your Electronics

You take the necessary measures to store your boats carefully and safely – what are you doing about your electronics? There’s nothing worse than getting ready to hit the water first thing in morning, amped up for a session with your crew, only to discover your cox box and electronic

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Caring for Your Rowing Equipment – Part 3

While SSRS can help you with all your rowing storage needs, taking care of your boat and equipment remains very important. There are all kinds of hazards out there waiting to have a crack at your equipment, including buoys, pollution, rust and even novice rowers. This is the final part

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Caring for Your Rowing Equipment – Part 2

While SSRS can help you with all your rowing storage needs, taking care of your boat and equipment remains very important. There are all kinds of hazards out there waiting to have a crack at your equipment, including buoys, pollution, rust and even novice rowers. This is part 2 of

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Caring for Your Rowing Equipment

While SSRS can help you with all your rowing storage needs, taking care of your boat and equipment remains very important. There are all kinds of hazards out there waiting to have a crack at your equipment, including buoys, pollution, rust and even novice rowers. This is part 1 of

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Shell Maintenance – Show it Some Love!

What kind of state are your rowing shells in? When did you last grease the tracks or tighten the nuts on your wing riggers? Chances are they could probably use some love, right? With the holiday season fast approaching, it\’s worth spending some time to catch up on the less

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Good Rowing Starts With Good Rigging

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=\”yes\” overflow=\”visible\”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=\”1_1\” background_position=\”left top\” background_color=\”\” border_size=\”\” border_color=\”\” border_style=\”solid\” spacing=\”yes\” background_image=\”\” background_repeat=\”no-repeat\” padding=\”\” margin_top=\”0px\” margin_bottom=\”0px\” class=\”\” id=\”\” animation_type=\”\” animation_speed=\”0.3\” animation_direction=\”left\” hide_on_mobile=\”no\” center_content=\”no\” min_height=\”none\”] When it comes to rowing boat performance, there are a large number of variables that determine whether you have a fast racing rowing boat. Often the physicality

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