The Perfect Solution For Storing Your Electronics

You take the necessary measures to store your boats carefully and safely – what are you doing about your electronics? There’s nothing worse than getting ready to hit the water first thing in morning, amped up for a session with your crew, only to discover your cox box and electronic

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The A to Z of Rowing Club Development

Have you noticed all these new impressive boathouses popping up across the US? How does a club go from a man standing by a river, through to a World Class facility capable of winning medals and achieving champion status? In recent times, they all have one common denominator: RowAmerica. RowAmerica

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ANU Boathouse Upgrade Helps Fund New Fleet

Last week, SSRS had the privilege of installing their Sliding Arm Boat racks in the ANU (Australian National University) Boathouse in Canberra. As you can see from the \’before\’ pictures, the boathouse was a bit limited with it\’s storage options. And do we have to mention the struggle their crews inevitably

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RowAmerica relies on SSRS Oar Racks

In the past few months, SSRS has had the pleasure of working with one of the fastest growing and exciting rowing organisations in the US. Founded on a vision to support, promote, and expand the sport of rowing, RowAmerica is setting the standard in club development around a model of

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Boathouse Racking Showcase – UTS Haberfield

Do you have grand visions for the future of your boathouse? What would you do with a clean sheet of paper and innovation? UTS Haberfield Rowing Club in Sydney, might just provide you with some additional inspiration when it comes time to redevelop your own club. In 2013, UTS Haberfield underwent

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Need more boat shed storage?

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=\”yes\” overflow=\”visible\”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=\”1_1\” background_position=\”left top\” background_color=\”\” border_size=\”\” border_color=\”\” border_style=\”solid\” spacing=\”yes\” background_image=\”\” background_repeat=\”no-repeat\” padding=\”\” margin_top=\”0px\” margin_bottom=\”0px\” class=\”\” id=\”\” animation_type=\”\” animation_speed=\”0.3\” animation_direction=\”left\” hide_on_mobile=\”no\” center_content=\”no\” min_height=\”none\”] Is your boat shed so jammed full of equipment that you can\’t actually move inside it? Do you struggle find the right equipment when you need it?

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Building a boat house with UTS Haberfield

UTS Haberfield Club has finished building and kitting out a new boat house with us! And it looks magnificent… About the new boathouse Sporting an excellent bar and restaurant on the top level and a \”top level\” boathouse on the bottom level (hah!), the new UTS boat house has just what

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How can you fit more boats into your boat house?

When it comes to dealing with large, heavy objects (boats) and numerous people (club members), safety and strategic planning for space optimization are of the utmost concern.  That\’s why we paid special attention to an interesting question we received from a boat club manager in the UK, who simply wondered,

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